Wednesday, February 7, 2007

"The Subject of Visual Culture" - Nicholas Mirzoeff

This article was interesting and it brought up some good points. It relates a lot to what we have discussed in class about how we compare so much of what happens in the world to a particular movie. Today's society is a visual culture, there is no question about that. I don't think that I would go as far as to say that it's a good thing though. He mentions in the article that we are caught on camera, and that we move from one camera to another, without even knowing it. This to me is scary when I think about it. I don't like the idea of people knowing where you are at all times. To me I feel like I have been violated or that "Big Brother" is watching at all times. But I guess that's what we get when we live in such a visual and technological culture.

"That is to say, following Donna Haraway's famous assertion that we are all now cyborgs, we need to know how the computer sees, to learn how to recognize its gaze and then to imitate it." I had actually never heard this comment, but I can completely understand it. This society has come down to nothing but technology, and in a way it is sad, because it is being forced on people like our parents, that have never experienced it. So, now you have the children teaching the parents. He states that a younger generation takes the "digital gaze" for granted. But you can't blame the younger generation, because it is all they know. They are completely naive to a world which lacks technology and visuals.

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