Monday, February 12, 2007

"Man with a Movie Camera"

At first I was quite confused after watching "Man with a Movie Camera," But after thinking about it and now after reading this article, I found it to be quite interesting. I love the idea of how ther camera man is going everywhere, and for the most part it is at a very fast pace. I love how he is not letting anything stop him, not even a dangerous place, that could easily kill him or hurt him, and ruin his camera. The camera was so new at the time of this film, I'm surprised to see him put it in harm's way. But, at the same time, he will do anything for his footage. Often how I am when I am out taking photographs. If it is a perfect opportunity, and I want that photograph that bad, I sometimes don't think, and risk it.

I thought that the film was very well done, especially for the time. I love how everything plays together and it all is shown in rhythm. I think that the movie is very monotonous, but at the same time, it is hard to stop watching it. The score is so well written to fit the busy life of the city. It becomes dramatic when the cameraman is filming something dangerous, it gets gentle, when the images are slow. Overall, I really did enjoy this movie, because I love how the cameraman is going everywhere, showing a busy and growing economy. I love the idea that he is being filmed, while he is filming. I think something that would be very interesting to watch, would be the cameraman's video that he filmed during the movie, since we are watching the video that was used to film the cameraman filming.

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