Monday, February 19, 2007

Class Today

I thought that class today was very interesting. I would have never known that all of that was in the library, had it not been for this class. I thought it was very interesting and very intruiging to see actual originals. Today, the discussion about how the internet takes away from places like this, or libraries. Which, I can agree with to an extent. I see the internet as a very good source, if being used correctly. I think that you learn a lot more when somebody say's, "hey, have you ever see the photograph by so-and-so" and all you have to do is get onto the internet. I think if something is important enough to someone, then they might go as far as going and looking at an original. I completely appreciate being able to look at an original, since all we every see are reproductions, but the internet can be such a source of knowledge, which I appreciate just as much. Plus, if you use the internet to see something, it could save you a pretty long travel experience.

Class was a very good learning experience for me, and I think it is something that I would actually go back to. I also thought it was very entertaining to hear how much one original photograph could cost. To me, some of them sound outrageous. But, other than that, I found this meeting to be quite satisfying.

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