Monday, March 19, 2007


After reading the article, "What is propaganda and how does it differ from persuasion" and also the lecture in class today, I kind of have a different outlook on the topic. I never really thought too much about propaganda, and it is something we encounter very often, it is just that I don't really think when I am looking at a photograph or painting (or whatever form it might be in) that the message I am getting from it is propaganda. It is in the back of my head, but I never really think twice about it. I know that it is propaganda, but I don't consider that when I am looking at it. In class, we had a discussion about advertising vs. propaganda. And my thoughts on everything was that they both have a very similar agenda; and that is to portray a message to the viewer. But the big difference between advertising and propaganda in my opinion is that propaganda deals with more serious subjects, opinionated, and important subjects; where as advertising is more of a materialistic subject. Propaganda deals with war, economy, politics, etc. Advertising deals with fashion, electronics, or in general material goods. To me, it is plain and simple that advertising is pushing a product, where as propaganda is pushing an opinion.

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